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Anna Consoli
Anna Consoli, MEd, BA (Hons) Psychology, BA Education

MSc Student in Population/Public Health

Anna is currently completing her Masters in Population/Public Health through the University of Calgary where she is examining the role of the built environment on the effectiveness of a physical activity intervention among inactive Canadian adults. In addition to her research interests, Anna is also interested in social marketing and social entrepreneurship. Through workshops, lectures and personal readings, Anna is learning about the use of marketing to design and implement programs that promote behavior change. Anna is also involved in programs related to communication and data visualization. She is currently learning about different strategies that can be used to deliver messages and information in an engaging and effective way.


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Dr. Vikram Nichani, PhD Community Health, MSc Environmental Health Science, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Vikram is currently working as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Calgary's Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community health Sciences. He is currently seeking to determine the relationship between built environment characteristics and physical activity and weight-related outcomes in Albertan adults. Prior to beginning his work at the University of Calgary, Vikram completed his PhD at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, where he concentrated on determining the associations between green space and outcomes of physical activity, birth weight/gestational age, and depression among pregnant women residing in New Zealand. Prior to commencing his PhD, Vikram worked as a general physician in India.


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Ryan Lukic, BHSc (Hons) Health and Society

MSc Student in Epidemiology

Ryan is currently completing his Masters in Epidemiology through the University of Calgary. His research concerns the relationships between the built environment and sleep in adults. Currently, he is investigating the impact of neighbourhood street pattern and socioeconomic status on sleep duration in adults residing in Calgary. Ryan also completed his Bachelors in Health Sciences from the University of Calgary where he analyzed public policies that addressed household food insecurity. He became interested in the relationships between the built environment and health after taking continuing education courses in urban design following his undergraduate degree. 


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