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Levi Frehlich
Levi Frehlich, MSc Population/Public Health, BSc (Hons) Kinesiology

PhD Student Epidemiology

Levi is currently completing his PhD in Epidemiology through the University of Calgary's Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, where he explores the relationship between the built environment and health-related fitness. Levi’s research interests include nutrition and physical activity as it relates to human health, specifically obesity. This interest is broad and captures individual nutrients to full dietary patterns and individual exercise programs to built environment modifications that may facilitate population physical activity. Levi previously developed a tool to measure neighbourhood-based physical activity while completing his MSc in Population/Public Health. Levi has also served as the Co-President for the Calgary Chapter of Obesity Canada since October of 2017.


Chelsea Christia
Chelsea Christie, MA Psychology, BA (Hons) Psychology

PhD Student Epidemiology

Chelsea is completing her PhD in Epidemiology through the University of Calgary, where she is exploring the links between the built environment and physical activity. Chelsea’s research capitalizes on residential relocation studies to address the issue of residential self-selection. She is also interested in studying whether the relationship between the built environment and physical activity is affected by a person’s socioeconomic status to gain a better understanding of how equitable the built-environment-physical activity relationship is. Chelsea previously studied social influences on dietary choices during her Master’s in Health Psychology from the University of British Columbia. In her free time, she also serves as the Research and Advocacy Chair of the Calgary Chapter of Obesity Canada and coaches recreational circus classes.


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