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Parent Perceptions of a Take-Home Loose Parts Play Kit
Results from: “An exploration of parent perceptions of a take-home loose parts play kit intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic” Naish...

Promoting Physical Activity Using Wearable Activity Trackers and eHealth Applications
Results from: “The Effectiveness of an 8-week Physical Activity Intervention Involving Wearable Activity Trackers and an eHealth...

Neighbourhood Environment Facilitators & Barriers to Outdoor Activity During COVID-19
Results from: “Neighbourhood environment facilitators and barriers to outdoor activity during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in...

Dog Walking, Dog Ownership and Social Capital
Results from: "Dog ownership, dog walking, and social capital" Koohsari MJ, Yasunaga A, Shibata A, Ishii K, Miyawaki R, Araki K, Nakaya...

Built Environment Design, Cancer Prevention & Inequality
Results from: “Built environment design and cancer prevention through the lens of inequality” Koohsari MJ, Nakaya T, McCormack GR, Oka K...

Homebuyer and Land Developer Perceptions of Active Neighbourhoods
Results from: “'Cul-de-sacs make you fat': homebuyer and land developer perceptions of neighbourhood walkability, bikeability,...

COVID-19 Anxiety and Changes in Physical Activity
Results from: “Perceived anxiety and physical activity behaviour changes during the early stages of COVID-19 restrictions in...

Neighbourhood Built Environments and Physical Activity Among Adults with Low Socioeconomic Status
Results from: “Associations between the built environment and physical activity among adults with low socio-economic status in Canada: a...

Neighbourhood Street Pattern, Socioeconomic Status and Sleep
Results from: “ Associations between neighbourhood street pattern, neighbourhood socioeconomic status and sleep in adults” Lukic R,...

Changes in Street Layout and Physical Activity after Residential Relocation
Results from: “ A longitudinal residential relocation study of changes in street layout and physical activity” McCormack, GR, Koohsari,...

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour
Results from: "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour: A Qualitative Study in a Canadian City"...

The Influence of Neighbourhood Walkability on an Internet-facilitated Pedometer-based Intervention
Results from: "Associations between objectively-measured and self-reported neighbourhood walkability on adherence and steps during an...

Realtor Perspectives on Active Neighbourhoods
Results from: "Realtor’s perceptions and understandings of neighbourhood characteristics associated with active living" McCormack GR,...

COVID-19 Related Parent Anxiety & Children's Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour
Results from: "Parent anxiety and perceptions of their child’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic"...

Barriers and Facilitators of a Pedometer Intervention (UWALK)
Results from: “Barriers and facilitators impacting the experiences of adults participating in an internet-facilitated pedometer...

Impact of the Neighbourhood Food Environment and Socioeconomic Status on Diet Quality
Results from: “Associations between the neighbourhood food environment, neighbourhood socioeconomic status, and diet quality: An...

Anxiety Towards COVID-19
McCormack GR, Doyle-Baker PK, Petersen JA COVID-19 in Canada On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the pandemic...

Is the Built Environments Associated with Sedentary Behaviour?
Results from: “Environmental attributes and sedentary behaviours among Canadian adults “ Koohsari MJ, Oka K, Nakaya T, Shibata A, Ishii...

Popularity, Friendship & Physical Activity
Results from: “Popularity and friendships and their relationship to physical activity before and after transition to a higher school...

Neighbourhood Built Environment and Weight Status
Results from: “Associations between the neighbourhood built environment and body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio:...
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