Built Environment and Cardiovascular Disease
Building Active and Fit Communities
Space Syntax: A Measure of Urban Design and Walkability
Driving Towards Obesity
Impact of Off-Leash Parks on Visitor Activities
Measuring Canadian Perceptions of Neighbourhood Environments and Physical Activity
Perceptions of Neighbourhood Walkability and Physical Activity
Validity of a Neighbourhood Physical Activity Questionnaire (N-IPAQ)
Testing the Neighbourhood Physical Activity Questionnaire (N-IPAQ): Online
Influence of Friendship Networks on Youth Dietary Behaviours
Does Relocation Affect Physical Activity?
Neighbourhood Design, Socioeconomic Status, and Obesity
Neighbourhood Built Environment Features that Support Dog-Walking
Neighbourhood Design & Physical Activity
Neighbourhood Walkability, Socioeconomic Status and Obesity
Residential Relocation's Affect on Physical Activity
A Questionnaire for Measuring Neighbourhood Physical Activity
Neighbourhood Form and Walking in Canada
The Relationship Between Built Environment and Health in Canada